How to make money online using

Every little bit of extra money counts. Signing up and using ka3ka for your online task is a perfect example of a small income stream that can help with very little work involved. ka3ka is a website that collects a series of small tasks that someone wants completed and offers compensation for quick and easy tasks that usually take less than 5 minutes per task.

♦ What type of tasks does ka3ka offer.

It can be just about any task. The longest tasks are something like writing a 200 word testimonial which may pay $3-4 dollars. The majority of the tasks are ones that are quick and easy. These include things like “Digging” and commenting on an article or website. Becoming someones Twitter, “follower” and tweeting their website. Stumble and review a website. Facebook like and comment on an article. Almost all of them are simple tasks that take less than 3-4 minutes to complete and provide proof of completion. These simple jobs pay out $ .30-.90 per job. There may (at this moment) only be 20-30 jobs like this to do per day, but it should still pay out at least 25+ dollars per hour for your time, just that there will not be an hour’s worth of work.

♦ Getting paid.

An important part of any site is getting paid. This is not a site you walk away with a fist full of cash two minutes after completing jobs. One you complete a task the bidder has a week to decide whether they are satisfied with your work. As soon as they say they are satisfied (it could be only an hour) the money is moved into your account as payable. Before you can withdraw you have to fill out address information and get a “pin” sent to your physical address. Once you get this pin you can withdraw it via Paypal or check at any time.

♦ Rating on ka3ka

Since your ability to complete some jobs is based on your rating it is important that you actual do what people ask for good satisfaction ratings. There seems to be a decent turnover in jobs. There are enough new jobs to maybe put in an hour a day doing all the little jobs. Not enough to make you instantly rich, but a nice little additional income for doing very little work.

Learning How to make money online using is not going to make you rich. Conceivably though, if you do all the jobs offered to you it could add up to 100+ dollars a week for maybe three hours work over the course of a week. Not a “fortune” but a nice little payday for doing very little “work”.

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