Make money online opportunities at

ka3ka works almost like socialspark where employers pay to have something done and workers do the job to get paid. You get to be employer and worker once you sign up. You can either accept the job listed or create a campaign to get your work done. Jobs that are listed include write article, discuss a product in a forum, follow on twitter, sell forum signature, upload video, Digg a post, stumble a post, join Facebook group, vote, sign up referral, give opinion and many more. There’s a list of do and don’t in the FAQ. Just check it out so that you don’t get banned. There are about 80 tasks available once you sign up. Although there are lots of tasks but the payment are low. The highest paid that I’ve seen is $0.68. Even so most of the tasks are simple. You still can make some money out of it if complete enough tasks.

Payments are done using PayPal, Moneybookers, Alertpay and cheque. Minimum payment is $9 and there is a fee upon withdrawal request. A fee of $4.50 using Cheque, 6% using PayPal and 6.5% using Moneybookers and Alertpay will be charge. This is the part that I don’t like about ka3ka. On your first withdrawal, a PIN number will be send by snail mail to your house. Your withdrawal will be on hold until you verified your account using the PIN number. Plus, it takes 30 business days to process the payment. Imagine the time it takes if you’re staying at the opposite side of the world. Not to mention the possibility of mail lost or undelivered.

ka3ka has a referral program that enable members to earn extra money. For each member that you referred, you’ll get $1. But you’ll have to wait until your referral member earns $25. It’s not as much as it seems but it’s better than nothing.

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